About Us

  • SHS Consulting PTY LTD was established in July 2013 to provide expertise to companies large or small who need assistance with their logistics, supply chain, Sales and Operational Planning activities as well as Quality Systems. For companies that are too small to properly cater for the professional services required, to large companies who require project management, or simply a second pair of eyes to look over their processes, SHS can help.

  • Our principal consultant is Stuart Scott, who is University qualified in Logistics management having studied at Monash University. Stuart also holds qualifications in lead auditing for ISO9000 and ISO14001, combined with 30+ years experience working in the industry and managing logistics operations.

  • Stuart has over 30 years experience in Sales and Operational Planning, Warehousing, Out Sourcing and Transport. He has also managed IT, Spare Parts and Service operations. Stuart is available for short or long term contract work, and can be contacted by Mobile 0408 372 300, or through this website.